Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Cat, Mr. Wilson

When I got my camera out tonight, our cat, Mr Wilson wanted his picture taken so here it is. For some reason every time I get my camera out he wants to follow! So decided to share a picture of Mr Wilson with you. Have a wonderful evening!


jacque4u2c said...

He so reminds me of a childhood cat I had named Fluffly - good memories! What a gorgeous kitty!

Junie said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what a gorgeous kitty cat !!!! He is an angel, oh how I miss my kitties !!! I would love to sit and brush Mr Wilson !! He looks so proud

Margaret said...

Allie, he is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us. I bet he is so soft!!! I'd love to just sit and pet him.

Kristine said...

OH...well he prolly won't like me saying this, but that is one GORGEOUS cat!! :) Love his coloring and long hair. Cute cute!

(thanks so much for dropping by and commenting on my submital cards!) xXx