Friday, January 30, 2009

I was Tagged~ Photo Challenge Tag~

I received this Photo Challenge Tag from Chris at Catt's Scratching Post. Thank You so much Chris!
The rules for this Challenge are: Go to where you store your photos on your computer. Go to the 6th folder and pick the sixth photo. Post that photo on your blog along with a short story about it. Tag 6 people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know that you choose them. Here is the sixth picture that was in my sixth folder.

This is my neice and her husband who got married on September 20th, 2008. They're having their photo taken by this old fire truck. Her wedding was held outside. She arrived in the firetruck to the wedding along with the flowergirl, ringbearer and brides maid. This wedding was absolutely beautiful. She's a very special neice in my life. The only neice that I have on my side of the family. I love her dearly!
I have tagged the following ones:
1. NoraAnne
2. Jacque4u2c
3. Dee Dee
4. Victoria
5. Wendalyn
6. Juniejo


Junie said...

Hi Allie
I have done my tag photo on my blog for you !!!
Hope alll is well. Hugs

jacque4u2c said...

Thanks for the tag - I have my 6/6 already on my blog from a tag a few days daughter! She is such a hoot! I would say arriving to your wedding on a fire truck is very unique. A story she will be able to had down for generations! Thanks again for the tag!